

To the Lighthouse|July

Haven't read it before, hadn't heard of it before, but i hope it's a good read

DNF Unfortunately it was a bit dense to read, so I didn't end up finishing it. It was a busy summer in general so one thing led to another, or in this case didn't, and i never got around to it.


This book i'm looking forward to, I heard its a comedy, and read the first few pages. It reads like my grandpa telling a long winded story, which is surprisingly not a turn-off for Pnin. I think i'll finish it, no promises though.

Post-Read Hi i'm back, and its late So i had to get my computer repaired, and then they didn't repair, so i just got my computer back yesterday. ANYWAYS BOOK it kept the feeling of my grandpa the entire way through, honestly very charming. It was a good read, the ending was depressing but thats kinda just life. Pnin deserved better. I will return later to actually write this. i've got essays due

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